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Take Control Of Your Own Future Discover the wealth of options afforded by Simplified Global Diversification
Expanding your horizons abroad allows you the Dear Concerned Investor, Make No Mistake You Have A Solution I've done it. And most of my friends and associates have done it, too. And the very good news is that this opportunity is available to anyone. Before I get into the details, I must warn you that this plan I'm talking about has a limited window. The U.S. congress has passed legislation--unknown to most Americans--that will make this strategy difficult-to-impossible to execute by the end of this year, 2013. After that time, the trap that most folks think they are caught in right now will very likely be real. We'll talk more about this legislation later. For now, remember this legislative deadline. You are just two steps away
a more secure future... The good news is that the solution I'm talking about is highly practical. You can set yourself on this path quickly and easily...once you have the right information and the right help... All you need to do is to take two key steps... STEP 1: Become The Keeper Of Your Own Future “Thank You” Thank you Lief for a most wonderful Letter. With your guidance, I am about to embark on my own voyage...” --Bill N., Unites States Still with me? Then let's move to the next step... STEP 2: Diversify Yourself Globally In today's world, nobody can afford to be dependent on any one economy...on any one government...or on any one currency. The way to protect yourself is to diversify outside your home country's borders. The reality of the world we're living in is that this is the only effective strategy available to you...to me...to all of us. It's a simple insight. We all know about diversity when it comes to stocks and bonds. Yet few people realize the fundamental importance of taking this basic concept to the next level. I've been in the room with educated, experienced investors, who've bragged of their diversified portfolios. They hold stocks, bonds, real estate... But once I've probed a little deeper, I've often found that their portfolios all share one problem. All are "diversified" in U.S. dollars...their investments are all domiciled in the United States...and they're all at the mercy of anyone's lawsuit filed under the U.S. legal system, including suits after their retirement funds. What happens to these "diversified" investors if the dollar radically declines in value? What if an angry litigant attacks your assets with a frivolous lawsuit? What happens if they bail out Social Security using your private pension funds, as has happened in several countries around the world? These are all frightening but not too far-fetched scenarios. The very good news is that the effect of any or of all of this can be minimal for you...if you are diversified among several different countries. Granted, this takes some planning. And it's different for everybody. But a truly diversified portfolio and lifestyle are achievable--and enjoyable--once you're armed with the right information and connected with the right people to help you sift through the options. How To Spread Yourself Internationally? It's Easier Than You Might Think
Of the two steps above, the first one is up to you. The Simon Letter: “I very much enjoy your Letter. I hope to make the transition to an overseas haven one of these days, and I find your information a great tool.” For the second step--figuring out the best ways to diversify yourself--you'll need help. Problem is, right now, nobody out there is telling you how to do this yourself. Even those who appreciate the value and the benefits of a truly diversified and global perspective can't show you how--as a small, private investor--to take best advantage of the many, many global options available to you. This is where I come in. I'm Lief Simon. I've been taking this approach--to business, to investing, and to life in general--and showing others how to, as well, for more than 20 years. I left the States at the early age of 24 and headed, first, to Chad (I was working for an oil drilling outfit at the time). In the years since, I've lived and worked in seven countries, from Chad to Argentina, from Kazakhstan to Nicaragua, and from Ireland and France to Panama, where I'm currently based. Over the nearly two decades that I have been living overseas, I've been actively investing and doing business. I've launched and managed business ventures in 10 countries, including local businesses, web-based businesses, and international franchises. Real estate has also been a focus. I've managed multi-million-dollar developments, multi-million-dollar property portfolios, and more than two dozen rental properties, and I've bought and sold real estate in 19 countries. I've made a considerable amount of money. And, yes, I've lost money, too. But I've learned from every experience, and, at this point, nearly two decades into my global investing career, I have more of a track record at this than any other private investor you're likely to meet. Real estate and business have been my focus because these are assets you can control yourself. And when managed successfully, these are assets that produce cash...ongoing yields in addition to any appreciation over time. But You'll Benefit Right Away When I left the States, the first thing I realized was that my old U.S.-based advisors weren't going to be able to help me anymore. My U.S. attorney, U.S. accountant, and U.S. investment advisor were, frankly, clueless about the international scene. Fortunately, I like numbers. I'm a financial planner and an accountant by trade. Thus, along with business and real estate opportunities, my third focus as a global investor has been tax planning, which, I discovered early on, can be every bit as important as the investment choices you make.
Cutting your annual tax burden goes a long way toward growing your net worth. It's no coincidence that some of the world's greatest fortunes were amassed in the United States before the country imposed a federal income tax. "Exactly What We Need" "Way to go Lief. Your type of answers and information are exactly what we need. Five years into my adventures overseas, I got married. Then I was planning and strategizing not only for my own financial future, but also for that of my family. Along the way, my wife and kids have laughed at my obsession with numbers. But, I remind them, someone needs to pay attention to this stuff. I'm the one who figures out where and how to hold our assets, where to keep bank accounts (both business and personal), where to incorporate our businesses, where and how to apply for residency, how to structure the ownership of every asset we invest in, jurisdiction by jurisdiction, and so on. I have opened accounts with banks in more than two-dozen countries. I've established residency for myself and my family in three. My son, born in Ireland, is a dual national by birth. My wife and I acquired our second passports the hard way--by applying for them--eight years ago. I currently call Panama City home, but I'm on the road at least 50% of the time exploring new opportunities and new options. At this point, I've traveled to 65 countries. It's a lot of work. But I'm not worried about my assets, my investments, or my family's future; I gave up wasting my time on those concerns long ago. Today, my big concern is how to discover new opportunities, how to grow our portfolios, and where to branch into new markets. Here’s How You Can Capitalize on the Knowledge I've recognized for a long time where the U.S. economy's been headed...and I've been implementing diversification strategies to protect against the troubles to come for many years. "Affordable Price" "I have just finished reading the January Simon Letter. Thank you for working on this new product and making it available for an affordable price."
But I only recently realized that what I've been doing all this time is something special and valuable. Something that only a handful of others have had the opportunity to figure out. Given the direction the world continues to head, the need for this kind of information, guidance, and expertise is much greater than it's ever been before. That's why I created the Simon Letter, a monthly membership service dedicated to the world of offshore opportunity. As the editor, my aim is to help you figure out your own path to international diversification. The information you get is straight-up. Those who know me know that I don't mince words, spare feelings, or suffer fools lightly. I tell it like it is. I'll give you the intelligence and the judgment you need to make your own determinations. My aim is to help you take control of your life and your future as I've taken control of mine...to give you options. You're a grown-up. You'll decide what's right for you. But I'll do everything I can to make sure you have what you need to make that possible. Before I give you a sneak preview of what you can expect from my new private membership service, I'd like to make a few important points... First, Lief Simon is my real name. Nothing that you will read about in the Simon Letter involves shady dealings. I've never done anything to break U.S. law -- or the law of any other jurisdiction either, as far as I know. As much as I love spending time overseas, I like to be able to return to the United States to visit friends and family. My aim is to expand my options, never to cut any off. And, if you follow my lead, you'll be able to come and go as you please, as well. Second, yes, this stuff takes some figuring out...but it's not as complicated as many in the business like to make out. The biggest challenge you'll find is that the targets are always moving...but with the right information, you can stay on top. Over the last 20 years living and doing business around the world, I've built a network of reliable and expert contacts I trust -- attorneys, bankers, tax consultants, and other advisors, both Stateside and in the jurisdictions where I spend time and money. These are the people who keep me up-to-date on important changes...as they happen. I know of no other reliable source where this kind of from-the-scene intelligence from the world's top offshore havens is shared in real time by someone with real world, firsthand experience at all this. The Simon Letter fills this gap. Third, you don't have to be wealthy to take up the idea of diversifying offshore. Five hundred bucks in a bank account and a US$50 residency application is enough to get your foot in the door and open countless opportunities for diversification. There are different levels to this game. Only you know what makes sense for your circumstances and what's within your comfort zone. And your initial strategy might be as simple as opening a bank account in another country--something I can show you how to do from home. This one simple step can give you sovereign banking diversification, perhaps currency diversification...and possibly even open the door to a second residency. From there you can easily move on to diversify into real estate, precious metals, forming an offshore corporation, moving overseas, even acquiring a second citizenship, as I have. The Practical Info We Need “I have subscribed to many newsletters that fall short of the practical information that I need. The Simon Letter is everything promised and much more. I do not want to miss even one issue.” Here's what you can expect from my new Simon Letter global intelligence service...
What can you expect to find in your Simon Letter dispatches? Specifically, I'll be covering topics like:
Again, my goal in The Simon Letter is to inform you of all your legal options and to help you figure out the opportunities that best suit you. This is serious, down-to-business, here's-what-you-need-to-do-to-protect-yourself advice. No frills. No dreamy travel tales, because we've no time to lose. Plus, once you get to know me, you'll realize that I'm not what you’d call patient. I like to get to the point, take a position, take my profits, and move on. For every opportunity I bring to you, I'll support it with introductions to the people who can help you follow through. And when I recommend somebody, it's somebody I trust and who has helped me in the past. I don't deal in hearsay or secondhand references. Perhaps best of all, the Simon Letter service won’t just help you achieve international diversification; it will help you maintain it...by keeping you abreast of tax and legal changes, new markets, and new opportunities. Why Your Window Of Opportunity For
Our world is changing very fast...and not for the better. As it turns out, I've been in the right place at the right time these past two decades, learning, trip by trip...international move by move...offshore investment by offshore investment...how to identify, vet, and act on the world's best opportunities for both making and preserving wealth. I've had the luxury of 20 years to figure this stuff out. Unfortunately, you don't...and here’s why.
Uncle Sam is working quietly, behind the scenes, to put obstacles in place that will make it more difficult for you to broaden your horizons overseas. And much more difficult for you to be in the driver's seat of your own future. It's not just the banking arena that's under threat. In 2008, unrelated changes to the Veterans Act allowed for an "exit tax" on U.S. citizens who choose to leave the country and end their citizenship. What other countries have done this in the past? Nazi Germany...the Soviet Union....Apartheid South Africa... Your civil liberty is at stake. This is the sobering fact: There are already restrictions that make it hard for you to move assets and diversify abroad...and more restrictions are signed into a law to take effect this year. Uncle Sam wants control of your money, and access to your assets... and your options for diversification are dwindling as time passes. So, yes, things are changing quickly. However, I can guarantee you that, as of this writing, you do still have options and opportunities for taking control of your future. And here’s how you can do it... Simon Letter Global Intelligence Service By joining me with my own, time-proven methods, you’ll limit your sovereign and financial risk...while becoming a true citizen of the world, with access to all of its opportunities. The Simon Letter is designed to bring you the best and latest information available on the opportunities, regulations, risks and rewards of internationalizing your life; info that allows you to roadmap your way to international diversification. Specifically, when you register for my advisory service, you’ll receive:
In this briefing, I’ll walk you thought the basic framework of global diversification by covering the five major diversification categories. We refer to these as the “Five Flags of Global Diversification”. I’ll cover the value of “planting” international flags in these areas: "Well Done!" "I just received my first issue of your Simon Letter and I must say well done! I read it straight through, twice. The articles were thought-provoking and disturbing. Congratulations on a great publication."
We’ll take a close look at what these concepts mean to an individual, why they’re important building blocks, and how to apply them...
"A Great Too" "I very much enjoy your newsletter. I hope to make the transition to an overseas haven, and I find your information a great tool. Thanks, and all the best."
A banker with more than three decades experience in global banking--the first 25 years in Europe--introduces you in detail to the benefits and advantages of this emerging banking haven.
Normally priced at US$149, the discounted cost of the Simon Letter service for you today is only just US$119 per year (a savings of 20% off). What's more, you're guaranteed that discounted price for as long as you remain a member. You’ll receive all Special Briefings immediately when you subscribe...along with the current issue of the Simon Letter. At this reduced price, my Simon Letter service is a proven, cost-effective alternative to keeping up with the constantly-changing offshore landscape. This Is Your Final Call I'm not an alarmist. I'm a pragmatist. "Just The Facts" "I like it that you don't try to use scare tactics like some do. Thanks again! You and your wife are doing a great service.."
And as a pragmatic investor, I've seen the writing on the wall for some time. I've worked all these years--with an added sense of urgency more recently--to take control of my own life...my own financial future...and most importantly, the future of my family and heirs. Now I’m offering you a chance to do the same. You still have time...and now you have a way out. The Simon Letter is your ticket. You've nothing to lose...and everything to gain. Plus, I guarantee that you'll sleep better at night. But during this open enrollment period I’m insisting that the price be as reasonable as possible. My goal in this service is to share what has become, in the current global climate, critically important information and intelligence with as wide a readership as possible. Follow the link to join the Simon Letter. Your corresponding Special Briefings will be delivered to your inbox immediately. "Real Knowledge From Firsthand Experience" "Enjoy your letter and the knowledge it imparts. Keep up the good work"
One year from now, you’ll enjoy security and stability in your life. You’ll have begun building a legacy of real assets and real wealth, while protecting them from sovereign, economic, and currency risk. While others are painted into a corner, you’ll have options--for everything from residency to banking to estate planning--on a global scale. Most importantly, you’ll be in the driver’s seat--not your government, Wall Street or the whims of the currency market--heading to your own secure future. Please act now to join me as we prepare for the future. Sincerely,
Lief Simon P.S. Honestly, there is no other publication like The Simon Letter out there. Others who write in this offshore arena speak theoretically. I speak and write from firsthand experience. Twenty years of it. Overseas investments...dual citizenship...second passports...international banking...asset protection...foreign residency...offshore bank accounts...foreign corporations...I not only research this stuff, I live it. I do it for survival and for the future of myself and my family. I invite you now to join me.
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