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      Taxes In Chile

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          Preparing documents and money to pay taxes in Chile

          Taxes For Residents Of Chile

          You become tax resident in Chile if you spend more than six months in-country or are domiciled in Chile. But, if you are a nonresident, you pay taxes in Chile only on your income generated within the country.

          Chile taxes on worldwide income. But, as a new resident, you will pay tax only on Chilean income for the first three years, which can be extended for an additional three years.


          Reviewed By Kathleen Peddicord

          Kathleen is the Live and Invest Overseas Founding Publisher. She has more than 30 years of hands-on experience traveling, living, and buying property around the world.

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            Start Your New Life Today, Overseas

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              Chile does not tax pensions, retirement benefits, or social security.

              The sales tax (known as IVA) is 19%, and applies to many valueadded items. While you may structure your affairs to minimize other taxes here, you won’t escape IVA.

              For wage earners, the regular income tax is graduated between 0% and 40%. So, here’s a snapshot of the tax table, represented in U.S. dollars, at today’s exchange rate of 920 pesos per U.S. dollar.

              These are monthly income figures (exclusive of retirement and pension income):

              Income Taxes in Chile

              From To Tax Percentage
              $ – $ 939.00 0%
              $ 939.00 $ 2,085.00 4%
              $ 2,085.00 $ 3,474.00 8%
              $ 3,474.00 $ 4,864.00 14%
              $ 4,864.00 $ 6,253.00 23%
              $ 6,253.00 $ 8,337.00 30%
              $ 8,337.00 $ 10,421.00 36%
              $ 10,421.00 And Up 40%

              Start Your New Life Today, Overseas

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                A world full of fun, adventure, and profit awaits! Sign up for our free daily e-letter, Overseas Opportunity Letter, and we'll send you a FREE report on the 10 Best Places To Retire In Style Overseas In .

                Reviewed By Kathleen Peddicord

                Kathleen is the Live and Invest Overseas Founding Publisher. She has more than 30 years of hands-on experience traveling, living, and buying property around the world.

                Start Your New Overseas Life Today

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                  Taxes In Chile- FAQs

                  Residents of Chile are taxed on their income from all over the world, with rates reaching as high as 40%. Additionally, Chile has a gift and inheritance tax that can be as high as 25%, based on the amount and the relationship to the giver or deceased. There is no wealth tax in Chile.

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