Live And Invest In Spain


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      Health Care In Spain

      Spain's Health Care Is Top-Notch

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          Spain's Health Care Is Top-Notch

          Spain’s healthcare is regularly ranked among the best in the world by the World Health Organization. You can find an excellent level of health care throughout Spain.

          Anywhere in Spain, doctors and specialists are trained to a high standard.

          For major surgery and management of more serious diseases and conditions, you would need to travel to the larger towns and cities.

          The Catalonia region in particular boasts excellent health care facilities. Barcelona has an especially good reputation for healthcare. There are well-trained doctors galore in this city, many of whom speak English.

          Consultants in every specialty can be found throughout Barcelona and the Sarrià area (close to the University of Barcelona) has a particularly high number of practitioners.

          Spain is the most popular second-home destination in Europe and home to some 7.2 million expats.

          Generally, non-EU residents will not be able to access the public health care system and will need to seek private care. But there is a pay-in scheme of around US$65 a month for under-65s and US$170 a month for older residents.

          Meantime, private health insurance plans start from around US$300 a month.

          Lief Simon, Director of Overseas Property Alert, Founde of Simon Letter, and Founder, of Global Property Advisor

          Reviewed By Lief Simon

          Lief Simon is the managing editor of Global Property Advisor, Simon Letter, and Offshore Living Letter. He has purchased more than 45 properties, investing in 23 different countries around the world.

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            It’s hard to imagine living the good life anywhere in Europe without preparing yourself for some sticker shock…

            But here in Spain, the surprise comes in discovering how low the price tags are…

            Especially given the top quality of life on offer.

            And, this incredible value applies to everything from eating out… to health care… to renting or buying a home.

            Lief Simon, Director of Overseas Property Alert, Founde of Simon Letter, and Founder, of Global Property Advisor

            Reviewed By Lief Simon

            Lief Simon is the managing editor of Global Property Advisor, Simon Letter, and Offshore Living Letter. He has purchased more than 45 properties, investing in 23 different countries around the world.

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              Health Care In Spain- FAQs

              When you register for the SNS, expats in Spain receive free basic health care. This includes most important medical treatments. In short, you will have access to doctor visits and emergency care at no cost.

              Health care in Spain is outstanding, which could explain why people live so long here.

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