In these dispatches each day I tease and tempt you with pictures of the glorious new life you could create for yourself by moving to another country.
I speak from decades of firsthand experience when I tell you that the promises are real.
Your life could be bigger, better, safer, richer…
You could reduce your cost of living, enjoy better weather, live healthier, embrace adventure…
All by making a move overseas.
Start Your New Life Today, Overseas
Trouble is, that can seem much easier said than done.
I’m writing today, therefore, to urge you to take heart.
If you’re intrigued by the upsides of chasing a new life overseas, here’s something important to realize…
Retiring overseas is easier today than ever before in history.
These days, expats move seamlessly to Panama, Colombia, Belize, and Nicaragua… to Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and the Philippines… to Portugal, Spain, France, and Montenegro.
Imagine making a move like this before debit cards and ATMs, pre-Google and WhatsApp.
Start Your New Life Today, Overseas
Friend Paul Terhorst retired overseas in 1984 at the age of 35.
Paul was later named the George Washington of retiring overseas by SmartMoney magazine. He tells a story about when his father died in California in 1992. At that time, Paul was running around Thailand.
To notify Paul, his brother in Los Angeles called a nearby friend who had traveled with Paul in Thailand. The friend said that, if in fact Paul was in Bangkok (turned out he was), he would probably be at such-and-such hotel.
Paul’s brother called the hotel but couldn’t understand anyone there. So he jumped in his car, drove to a nearby Thai restaurant, and asked if the cook spoke Thai. The cook did. Paul’s brother arranged for the cook to make the call for him and eventually got Paul on the line.
Start Your New Life Today, Overseas
Today, Paul’s brother would send an email or place a video call.
What in 1992 required luck, persistence, and a Thai cook, these days takes only a click.
Lief and I divide our time between Paris and Panama.
In Panama, we live sometimes in Panama City and sometimes on the country’s remote Veraguas coast where we’re developing a private beachfront community. We travel regularly beyond those points.
All the while we’re running the Live And Invest Overseas business and staying in daily contact with our son in the States and our daughter and her family in Paris.
What a world.
How fortunate we are, you and me, to be able to choose from so many enchanting corners within it to call home.
That exciting reality is the premise for my latest book finalized this week and sent off to print.
Start Your New Life Today, Overseas
“At Home Abroad—Retire Big On Little” is the culmination of 40 years of experience covering this beat and of more than 26 years living overseas.
It is bigger, more in-depth, more comprehensive, and more timely than any other book on retiring overseas available anywhere.
Using firsthand stories from folks who have already made new lives for themselves in the world’s best places to call home, “At Home Abroad” demystifies the idea of starting over in a new country…
While providing a glimpse of the delightful range of directions this big idea can take.
You really could live anywhere that strikes your fancy, and your life in that place could take whatever form you find most appealing. The life you want is out there. “At Home Abroad” is your guide to finding it.
Over the coming days, while we wait anxiously for the first copies to be delivered to our offices, we’ll share excerpts.
Starting tomorrow, we’ll showcase real-life tales of adventure and delight, each excerpted from my new book.
Together, they provide a blueprint to help you make your own dream of a new life overseas come true.
As you read these stories, imagine yourself in the shoes of these real-life expats.
Most importantly, consider the tales to follow your first steps along your own path to a bigger, better life overseas.
Until next time,