The Best Places To Retire In 2025


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      We Value Your Privacy! We will not share your email address with anyone else, period.


      Privacy Policy

      Privacy Policy | Terms And Conditions | About Us

      We take your privacy very seriously.

      We will not share your email address with anyone else, period.

      When you subscribe to a Live and Invest Overseas newsletter your email address is placed in a database and used to send your complimentary issues of Overseas Opportunity Letter, Overseas Property Alert, Offshore Living Letter, In Focus: Belize, In Focus: Panama, and Cashflow For Retirement and occasional Live and Invest Overseas alerts.

      You can remove your address from our emailing list by clicking the respective link at the end of each email we send.

      We will not add your name to our email list without your permission.


      If you believe that Live and Invest Overseas has sent you unsolicited commercial email (spam), please send an email to our Customer Service department.

      Personal Information

      We will never ask you for personal information–your credit card number, for example–except when you place an order. At that time, we will provide a secure (SSL, encrypted) connection and require you to submit only the information needed to complete and fulfill your order. This information will be used to process your order, providing compliance with proper and safe data processing by and PayPal.

      We use CIM, which supports customer profiles that include billing, payment and shipping information. Each profile is stored on their secure servers and assigned an ID that is used in place of all customer information. Here is the full privacy policy.

      PayPal also provides our customers with secure privacy protection, here is a link to their full privacy policy.

      Live and Invest Overseas will not sell or rent your personal or credit information to anyone, nor share it in any other way, unless required to by a law enforcement agency that takes the proper steps to acquire it.

      Live and Invest Overseas follows all legal requirements to protect your privacy. Personally Identifiable Information may include information such as your name, email address, and other related information that you have provided to us or that we obtain about you. It is only used with your consent, allowing us to explicitly provide your with legitimate interests the content, paid or otherwise, which you have requested. All data is used under the expected behavior of business interest and with customer data privacy at the forefront.

      All information you’ve provided can be provided to you at your request (under GDPR guidelines).


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      What is a cookie? – A cookie is a tiny data file that is stored on your web browser and typically includes non personal information about your visit. This non personal information is not personally identifiable to you.

      Why do we use cookies? – As is common practice with almost all professional websites this site uses cookies. We use them to make sure our users are having their interests and needs met by our content. Cookies help to tell us if, in general, our readers enjoyed a piece of content and stayed to read it or if the content wasn’t good or out of date and visitors are not enjoying what they’re reading. Cookies are overall used in an effort to improve the user experience of our website.

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      • This site uses Google Analytics which is one of the most widespread and trusted analytics solution on the web for helping us to understand how you use the site and ways that we can improve your experience. These cookies may track things such as how long you spend on the site and the pages that you visit so we can continue to produce engaging content. We have set our Google Analytics data to expire after 38 months. For more information on Google Analytics cookies, see the official Google Analytics page.
      • As we sell products it’s important for us to understand statistics about how many of the visitors to our site actually make a purchase and as such this is the kind of data that these cookies will track. This is important to you as it means that we can accurately make business predictions that allow us to monitor our advertising and product costs to ensure the best possible price.
      • Several partners advertise on our behalf and affiliate tracking cookies simply allow us to see if our customers have come to the site through one of our partner sites so that we can credit them appropriately and where applicable allow our affiliate partners to provide any bonus that they may provide you for making a purchase.
      • We also use social media buttons and/or plugins on this site that allow you to connect with your social network in various ways. For these to work the following social media sites including; Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, will set cookies through our site which may be used to enhance your profile on their site or contribute to the data they hold for various purposes outlined in their respective privacy policies.
      • Other cookies used include; Wistia, VWO, and other behavioral analytics to better tailor our content to your personal interactions.

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      Discussion Board And Forums

      If you choose to participate on any public forum of Live and Invest Overseas, including but not limited to message boards, teleconferences, and social media sites, you do so at your own risk. If you must submit a name to post a message on a public forum, it does not have to be your real name. Using your real name or email address when you post is entirely voluntary.

      We reserve the right to remove any messages from any pubic forum for any reason whatsoever. We prohibit or strongly discourage: advertisements to buy or sell securities, promotions and advertisements of any type and links thereto, impersonating another person, unnecessary profanity, ludicrous and thoroughly discredited conspiracy theories, discriminatory language, and personal attacks. However, we cannot be held responsible for any claims made on our public forums.

      Requesting Deletion of Personal Data From Facebook

      We value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. If you wish to request the deletion of your personal data from our records, please follow the steps outlined below:

      Submit a Request: Send an email to our Data Protection Officer at with the subject line “Data Deletion Request.”

      Include Necessary Information: In your email, please include your full name, email address associated with your account, and a brief description of the data you wish to be deleted.

      Verification: To ensure the security of your data, we may need to verify your identity before processing your request. This may involve providing additional information or documentation.

      Processing Time: We will acknowledge your request within 10 business days and aim to complete the deletion process within 30 days. You will receive a confirmation email once your data has been successfully deleted.

      Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions | About Us

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          We Value Your Privacy! We will not share your email address with anyone else, period.