“In 2013 my wife Carolyn and I decided we needed a change. Our lives in Hawaii were stalled.” Dusty Tubbs explains.
Finding Our Overseas Paradise
“We began researching options online and, the more we looked, the more excited we got about options overseas.
“We considered Costa Rica… then ruled it out when we learned that they’d abolished their retiree program.
“Looking at the map, Panama jumped out next as our ideal replacement destination.
“Its location was a big draw. It’s so accessible from the United States, but, unlike other warm and welcoming countries we could have chosen, it doesn’t get hurricanes.
Falling In Love With Panama
“We arrived in Panama for the first time for what amounted to practical reasons. Once here, though, it was love at first sight. We were won over immediately by the country and by the people.
“We knew after our first visit that we wanted to make Panama our home. It was everything we were looking for retirement living—beautiful beaches, a warm climate, lush mountainous terrain (that remind us of the Hobbit movies), and a large and vibrant expat community.
“We shopped around… considered many coastal options in Panama… but nothing fit us the way this spot on the Pacific fit us. Affordability was a key factor.
“Now, more than seven years later, we are settled into our custom-built home. We never could have afforded the life we’re living here in Panama back in the States.
“We’re here now indefinitely.
“Back in Hawaii, we were struggling to get by and to make ends meet.
“Here, we’re living very comfortably and well off just our pensions. Why in the world would we want to go back?
“Saving 75% of our daily cost of living in the States, we have been able to afford to travel to countries we only dreamed about before.
“Now, we look forward to wonderful years ahead building sand castles on our beach, helping baby turtles find their way back into the ocean, and being warm all the time.
“We’re embarking on a whole new chapter. And having the adventure of our lives.”
Dusty And Carolyn Found Happiness Here… And I Bet That You Could Too—Just Like Me And Thousands Of Other Folks
Dusty and Carolyn’s story is inspiring and exciting… but it’s not unique.
Indeed, Panama today is home to many thousands of folks who’ve taken the leap and reinvented their lives for the better in this land of sunshine and ocean breezes.
I should know, I’m one of them.
In fact, I’ve been making this case for more than 25 years, and I’m writing today to tell you that I’m more bullish on the opportunities and upsides on offer in Panama—for both fun and profit—than ever before.
Bottom line, if you are in the market right now for a place to live well, retire better, invest, own property, or do business overseas…
I’d say you’re doing yourself a big disservice if you aren’t looking closely at this little country at the hub of the Americas.
How Can A Country This Size Continue To Bring So Much To The Table?
If you’ve been reading these dispatches for any time, you’ve almost certainly heard us go on about Panama.
After all, we could have based ourselves and our business anywhere… and we chose Panama to be our base of operations.
We know Panama from a foreigner’s point of view like nobody else…
As I mentioned, I’ve been spending time and doing business in this country for more than 25 years… and I’ve been living and operating my business here full-time for more than 15.
Here in Panama, over the past two-and-a-half decades, we’ve bought pre-construction for investment and centuries-old French-colonial for renovation…
We’ve invested in raw land… both oceanfront and riverside… and both residential and commercial rentals…
We’ve started businesses, formed corporations, and opened bank accounts, corporate and personal…
We’ve acquired full-time residency through the country’s ground-breaking “Specific Countries” visa program…
We’ve hired staff, shipped household belongings, and put our son through school…
We’ve sourced architects and carpenters, paid local utility bills, researched which health insurance plan makes most sense for our family, bought cars (because finally we’d had enough of dealing with Panama City taxi drivers!), gotten local driver’s licenses, even started a local franchise (a family project)…
And our personal experiences in this tropical haven are only the beginning of what we bring to the table for this conversation.
Spending time and money in Panama as we have all these years, we’ve gotten to know everyone you’d want to know if you were thinking about following in our footsteps…
Our circle of Panama friends, expats, and advisors is extensive.
And, really, it’s not just me… you need to take advantage of all of us and all of our hard-won wisdom…
That is, to determine if Panama makes sense for your new life overseas, you need multiple perspectives.
Plus, you need experienced, professional counsel when it comes to things like taxes, banking, trusts, corporations, residency requirements, investor incentives, insurance…
My rolodex includes our trusted personal advisors, people you can count on to help you accomplish whatever you’re hoping to accomplish in this country safely and efficiently.
Better yet, I’d like you to meet my entire inner circle…
And that’s the plan for our Live And Invest In Panama Conference taking place in person in Panama City on Feb. 15–17, 2023.
Panama should be on your live-and-invest-overseas radar…
And the best way I know to find out if Panama is indeed the right place for you to plan to spend time and money is to join us in the room in Panama City in February.
Lief and I will be there with bells on… and joined on stage over the three days of the event by dozens of other Panama experts and expats… also all with their boots firmly on the ground in this land of opportunity.
Kathleen Peddicord
Founding Publisher, Overseas Opportunity Letter